Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Lesson Learned

A couple of weekend ago I learned that if you let your two year and four year old run around with wooden spoons, they will eventually hit you in the junk.

I also learned how to make a canteen out of a gourd. Beyond (pause for dramatic effect) my creation.
Gourds were an essential part of life to primitive and not so primitive cultures. Much like M&M's they have a hard, sturdy shell. Unlike M&M the inside does not taste great. They do not leak, and are very light. I created this one for my Mormon Battalion Historical Impression. The wood or tin canteen the Battalion were issued proved less effective in the deserts of New Mexico and Arizona so they used these strange looking plants. I tried to reproduce a strap that would have assuming the owner would reuse it.

Please don't ask why I would want to recreate the Mormon Battalion because I don't have an answer. Seriously, I have no idea why I am doing this.


Anonymous said...

Ha ha you actually went through with the gourd canteen? I'm rather impressed, but it still doesn't quite measure up to how impressed I am with the opening statement of your post. I really laughed out loud during my Economics class at that one. People glared at me.

Mr.Westover said...

In the junk...he he he