Thursday, March 25, 2010

Happy British Parliament Abolishes Slave Trade Day

Slave Trade Act of 1807 was passed on March 25, outlawing the transatlantic slave trade. Of course it took until 1833 to abolish slavery in the Empire but it was a solid first step. I am proud to say the US followed suit the same year. It took us until 1865 and a rather nasty war to do away with the barbaric practice all together, but nobody is perfect.

There are two stories I think everyone should be familiar with. They are bit grim, but this is about slavery.

The first is the massacre aboard the British slaver Zong. Where the a#$hat captain tossed 133 sick slaves overboard in order to collect the insurance. He had overcrowded his ship which lead to malnutrition and disease.

The second is the story of the Haitian Revolution of 1791-1804. After a long a bloody affair Haiti was proclaimed a Free Republic and became the first post colonial independent Black lead in the world.


Anonymous said...

The legend I've heard in accordance with the Haiti one is that they used Voodoo powers to help them kill their masters, which is why they won. Can you say creepy as hell?

That Girl said...

Wow, do you store all of these facts in that huge brain of yours? I can barely remember my family's birthdays... ;)