Monday, June 6, 2011

No Posts

I would like to post more but for some reason have lost the zeal. So here is another half hearted attempt.

I beat the old NES Double Dragon. That's right, after 20 years I finally did it. All it took was my kids ability to drive me insane to cause me to seek zen by beating the living crap out of 8 bit people. 2 Math Degrees, completing a horrible 2 years as a mission, having a job that allows me to create my own schedule, nothing compared to this momentous achievement. I think I will get a cake.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Mormon Stats and Blogs

Here is a few blogs I thought I would share. The first is an interesting review of church statics. The second is about conference. enjoy.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


I recently decided to travel all the way to California in order to pretend to fight for the old Soviet Union against Nazi Germany. Why did I do this, well, I am not really sure. I even learned a classic song in Russian which was no small task. I also got to see the inside of a T34. Of all the impressions I have ever done, Russian was the most convincing. For some reason I can really sell Russian.