Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Bruce and King Fatty Fatty Fats Fats

Today in 1314 Robert the Bruce and his Nobel Scotch Army defeated the English at the Battle of Bannockburn. It was one of many times that the English had their a#$es handed to them by The Bruce. I am descendant from the Noble House of Hamilton, who participated in the Battle.

The Hamiltons, apparently, waited until they were sure Robert was a "winner" before jumping on the Scottish Independence band wagon. My wife is a descendant of old Rob and tonight I have to go to a Elders Quorum BBQ to make up for my ancestors fence sitting ways.

Also today in 1509 the King Henry the VII was crowned King of England. We are in no way related to him, for he is a mighty a#$ goblin of an especially foul smelling and ancient breed of a#$ goblin. Sometimes when I am feeling depressed I think about how much fun it would be if, in the afterlife, we all called him King "Fatty Fatty Fats Fats", the VIII instead of Henry, and he is always being bullied by Joan of Arc and Susan B Anthony.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

These historical commemorations are terrific. I've been to Bannockburn. It's lovely.

I also love the idea of Susan B. Anthony and Joan of Arc bullying Henry around in the afterlife.