Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Intern

OK, so there is a new intern at work that sits behind me. She is very polite and seems to be doing a great job with the endless piles of shit that are being casually tossed her direction, but she sits behind me. At my place of employment we don't have proper cubicles like the rest of enslaved officer workers in America. We have half cubicles that only rise about four feet. Just high enough that if your sitting down no one knows if you have pants on or not. I don't know if they just forgot to order the top halves or if they are lost in our warehouse but I don't like it.

Its like spending the entire day on public transportation, or trying to actually study in a library. Execpt no one sits next to me to tell me about their family history or the number of pet mice they have along with the family history of the mice.

I should have been a Forrest Ranger.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How funny. We have full sized cubicles and everyone wishes we had those halfsy ones. It doesn't help that ours are a really putrid pink.