Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Ever so often I have a crazy idea that won't go away until I try it out. History has taught me that these ideas seldom work out. Lately I have been plagued with the idea of raising backyard chickens. Last night I went to a chicken raising class. It was pretty good. About half way through I looked around at the bizarre collection of weirdos that are attracted to a chicken raising class and suddenly realized I might be one of these people.

The jokes that were made were some of the most awkward I have heard in my life. I would repeat them but don't wish to subject you, dear reader, to that sort of abuse.

Yet despite the fact I may become a "Chicken" person, that raising chickens will increase my work load, and it will never be cheaper than just buying eggs, I can't seem to shake the idea.


Anonymous said...

Raise ducks, they're so much cooler!

That Girl said...

Chicken coops are super stinky, dude. r u sure you want to do it?