Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Christopher Columbus

For those of who who didn't know (or care) yesterday was Columbus Day. I generally ignore any holiday I don't get a day off from, but not this time. Columbus may have been a bit of a tool at times but I take my hat off to any man willing to pick a direction and sail off into the unknown.

However, I feel as a decedent of the Nordic Countries I must also take my hat off to Mr Leif Ericson who really discovered the New World, and would crush Columbus in a cage match, with or without weapons.


RNAi said...

Hooray for Lief. I am of mostly Danish descent and very proud of my Nordic blood. As my boss once put, "Andy, your ancestors probably killed my ancestors."

Flashy said...

Ah a fellow Norseman. One day we will take to the seas and set right the wrongs of the world, or maybe just pillage. We'll see what the situation is when we get there.