Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Robin Hood

Lately my most excellent wife and I have been watching the BBC's tea time Drama, "Robin Hood." http://www.bbc.co.uk/robinhood/

So far it has been a British Version of "Zina Warrior Princes" without the lesbian sexual tension. The costuming is absurdly modern, and the characters are cartoonishly simple. Still I must admit I do enjoy watching it.

The hero is played by this scruffy looking fellow. You can see his equally scruffy band, behind him.
The only non scruff looking person in the entire show would be Marian who runs around at night as the "Night Watchman", the medieval equivalent of Bat Girl.

I find myslef always sideing with the villian Sir Guy of Gisborne as seen below.

Of the course the major reason for this behavior is his fantastic hair. It's like he just stepped out of an 80's hair band.

Of course other than the hair, I suggest the following as an explanation for this tendency. The Robin Legend is basically the "Evil/treasonous" Prince John abusing the good people of England with outrageous taxes while the "good/handsome" King Richard is away fighting the Third Crusade. Robin Hood arrives to assit the common people. The reality is Richard used England as a way to fund his wars. He reportable once claimed he would sell England if he could find an appropriate buyer. England also had to pay an outrageous ransom when Richard got himself captured by Duke Leopold of Austria. That right Austria. So it seems dear Richard is the one behind the offending taxes not John. Prince John on the other hand sealed the Magna Carta one of the first steps to limited government that we enjoy today.

But it is mostly the hair.


Stacey said...

We've been watching this show since it began. My need for BBC America is usually a deciding factor in which cable plan we choose. I, of course, always side with the scruffy, handsome Robin. Even if Sir Guy was scruffy and handsome himself in North and South (the British mini-series, not the American Civil War one).

Flashy said...

I understand. BBC America is the single strongest force pulling me to cable. Any service without it would be a total waste.