Wednesday, September 23, 2009

While normal people watched football

Normal people, like my wife, watch football on Saturdays. Red, Smiley and I do not. Kat was actually listening to the game at our ward's "Super" Saturday. Honestly, I fail to see what is so super about it. I am sure they also fail to see why I spent my time and money on a reproduction of a 1812 boarding pike. By the way Kat did not take BYU's tragic lose very well. I almost had to call for someone to take us to a safe house. Anyways while the rest of America was watching college football, Red and I mounted my new pike head onto a pole. It was a lot of fun. You can see Red below wearing the required safety googles. You can see the pike in her hand. I don't think it was a great reproduction but then again I have never seen a real one.
Here you can see her helping me marked where the pike fits on the pole.
As you can see that was not all she marked.

Here is a photo of her building a tower.
The project didn't turn out as well as I had hoped, even with Red's help, so I am not posting any photos of the result.

For those of you who do not regular attend "Super" Saturdays they last for a very long time, or Kat went to the movies. Either way we were on our own for dinner. I made a vegetarian Thanksgiving Dinner. Not because I am opposed to eating of animal flesh but because we didn't actual have any turkey and after all the pike mounting I was in no mood to walking to the store. So here it is.
Yes that is stove top stuffing, frozen corn and mashed potatoes with as much butter as I could get away with. The kids enjoyed it.

I thought it only fair to let Red take a photo or two as can be seen below.

All in all it was not bad evening, and now we can repeal boarders with greater efficiency.


That Girl said...

I never understood the whole Super Saturday thing. Seems like a lot of time to spend away from home, but that's just my humble opinion. Nice T-giving dinner. I think I may be making that for dinner tonight.
btw, nice t-shirt.

Van Tassell said...

Well . . . arn't you the funnest dad/nicest husband? P.S. I love your comments regarding the family photos.