Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The Jack Ass in All of us

I drove a scooter for the first time this weekend. I have never been a scooter/motorcycle, kind of person. The moment I sat on the scooter I felt instantly uncomfortable. I experienced a powerful urge to say things like "chow" and wear brightly colored shirts. The feeling didn't last long because about 30 seconds later I had crashed the damn thing into a curb and fallen off in a very undiginifed manner. Proving, once again, that I am a very unique brand of jack ass. I eventually made it around the block. My sister in law was very sporting about the whole ordeal.

I also calculated where my ancestors came from. Here is the break down.

England 59%
Denmark 16%
Sweden 13%
Scotland 9%
Wales 3%

I was so surprised by the fact that I have more ancestors from Denmark than Sweden that I almost dropped my plate of nachos on the floor. Luckily I was sitting at table and they didn't have far to fall. I also discovered that the English didn't come to the old USA until the mid 19th century. So all this time I have been making negative comments about George the III, and Henry the VIII, and I am nearly 60% English. It looks like I am in need of serious introspection and some Cheetos.

It does explain why all my favorite comedians, bands and TV shows seem to be English. Maybe if I had more Italian/German/French blood in me the scooter thing would have gone better.

1 comment:

That Girl said...

I would've paid to see you fall off that scooter!! hahaha!