Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Once More into the Breach

Last Sunday I went to Mrs Big's (new name for Kat) parent's house for the in-law extravaganza. Now, you must understand that my extend family hates each other, so we never really get together. We all prefer it that way I think. My wife's in-laws do not.
Until I was married I was under the impression that one's extended family ranked just slightly above people you meet on the bus. Apparently this is not a commonly held view. Mrs Big's mother's family get together often and general enjoy each others company. This is strange and foreign to me, but what makes it truly overwhelming is the sheer number of people involved in these events. So you can understand the scope of the situation I have included a picture.

We did a family photo and I wanted to dress up as Waldo from the series "Where's Waldo."

Every time I attend one of these I meet scores of new people. They are fine people and I repsect them for being so close. Though I do wonder if some fire code is being broken by the number of poeple at these getherings.

Anyways I think there is a powerful lesson to be learned here. I bet is is the the kind of lesson that ends up in a book with "Chicken Soap for the ....." in the title, but I be damned if I know what it is.


Kasey Van Tassell said...

This post is hilarious! Thanks for the laugh Jake. I think you and Adam have alot in common. He thinks his in-laws are crazy-especially when they all get together at christmas and have a whole night of music, food, nativity, talent show, games, white elephants, sleigh rides, and opening presents. For me growing up this part was always so fun, but when Adam joined the fam-he was in shock. I think he's getting used to it now though-and he won't admit it, but I think he even likes it a little bit.

Van Tassell said...

I think I found you in the photo. You were the one that wasn't smiling, right? That gives you away every time! I wish that we could have been there to join in the chaos. See you soon.

That Girl said...

Ha ha ha... I have yet to read Chicken "soap" for the soul, but have read the Chicken Soup for the soul. Is the "soap" version more risque like a soap opera?? j/k. Just having fun with your type-o.

Melissa said...

Jake, Rachel was so kind as to send me the link to your blog, and I just can't keep from commenting. I'm having a fabulous time reading along. Good luck with the big family parties. You could try hiding yourself in the basement; I've heard that helps.