On this day, January 29, in 1820 this fat, doughy looking fellow, passed into the next life.
I am sure you recognize the Great King George the III, ruler and sovereign of the once mighty British Empire. I normally don't care for Kings, but old George ruled through a dangerous era of wars and revolution. The proverbial icing on his troubled cake was that George was stark raving mad at times. This seems to be common trait of Kings. He suffered from porphyria, which means, unlike French Kings, he had a real excuse. Still it was an era of success and prosperity for George's nation, blemished only by the the super a%^ kicking you received from our George.
I am sure you recognize the Great King George the III, ruler and sovereign of the once mighty British Empire. I normally don't care for Kings, but old George ruled through a dangerous era of wars and revolution. The proverbial icing on his troubled cake was that George was stark raving mad at times. This seems to be common trait of Kings. He suffered from porphyria, which means, unlike French Kings, he had a real excuse. Still it was an era of success and prosperity for George's nation, blemished only by the the super a%^ kicking you received from our George.
One often wonders what an old fashion WWF cage match would be like between these two titans of history. I image King George would try do something under handed like knocking out the ref or using a foreign object such as a chair. Yet no matter what he did he would still have his a$% handed to him by Washington.
There is only one thing George the III can do better than Washington and that, my friends, is sucking.