Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Happy Bastille Day!

Via La Revolution! Today I will celebrate the overthrow of the oppressive and thoroughly wicked Aristos with a bottle of red wine and the 1982 classic "The Scarlett Pimpernel."

I know what your thinking, why would I celebrate such a noble break from oppression with a movie based on an anti-revolution book full of English actors? The reasons are two fold.

1st even the French have to admit things got a little out of hand. The reign of Terror, the business with Bonaparte, I mean the US had her share of blood shed but the French really took things up a notch with the Napoleonic Wars.

2nd If you haven't seen this movie it is a classic, and is one of the rare cases where the movie if far better than the book.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

That's exactly what I always say about that movie. It's a real achievement.