Saturday, December 20, 2008

Yet Another Wedding

My dear reading I wish to apologizes for making you wait so far long for a new, excited post to read. It has been a very busy few weeks. Apparently my place of business expects people to actual work during the holiday season. This is simply incomprehensible. The happiest time of year only comes once a year you know. I think I am being punished, as my unique analytical skills have become suddenly very popular.

Anyways enough of that kind of boring talk. No one whats to read anything with the word analytical in it. My brother in law also got married. Here is a photo below.I know what you are thinking, and no, he is not a polygamist. That is my wife on the left. I just like pictures more when she is in them. He also did not get married at a Chinese restaurant. Though this option is always so tempting. This was at the wedding lunch. Due to my resent disillusionment with Mormonism, I opted out of the ceremony. Last time i went to temple wedding I got a rather bizarre lectures on priesthoods, powers and dominions by one of the temple workers.

It was a pretty fine lunch. We were a bit early so we hung out with these charming statues. I hate snow. Nasty stuff, always wet, cold and so very tiresome, but I do like this statue I wish I had a pair at the end of my driveway.
This sign indicated that the resturant was closed, due to the aforemention luncheon.

I suspected Ben was trying to take a photo of me taking a photo, so I stuck first. He failed to see it coming.

These are some of the other poeple at my table. We were by far one of the more attrictive groups.
The wood thing in the middle of the table spins. It was hard not to play with it but I was successful. Nearly every thing was very good. The had some very good shrimp. (Please note the use of bolding) The also put raisens in their ham fried rice, not a choise I would have made. I am unable to describe the senseation, except by saying it just seemed wrong. I will leave that taste to your imagination. Plus who ever is the head cook is really into green beans. He uses green beans in the same manner most people use salt. He puts it on nearly everything.

Anyways the bride look lovley and there were not any major problems. I will post more pictures in the future, but for now, dear reader, I must say good night.


Van Tassell said...

Loved it!

That Girl said...

Ha ha ha. Love the statues, too; and your modesty at being the most handsome couple at your table. You crack me up!