This was another popular costume.
Here are few others that were big hits.
I spoke with the guy below and he really fit the Trekkie stereotype.
These two were pretty drunk. I thought the one on the right was going to throw me over her shoulder and carry me off.
This women was extremly popular, as you can imagine.
I went to a number of the presentation from the actors. I found that most people asked well-thought out, interesting, or humorous questions. Of course there are always the exceptions. Star Trek fans sometime have a hard time understanding why the actors are not as into the series as much as themselves.
I was really touched by Mr. Takei comments about Proposition 8 in CA. He did such a good presentation it almost made me forget about how weird he is. Lawenece Luckinbill was also very profound.
Zachary Quinto's mere presence on stage sent one of the fans into a panic attack/swoon kind of thing. He had to gave her a hug to help her calm down enough to ask her question. He seemed to get all the really strange questions. Such as why he didn't use his sword from Heroes to stab anyone, or how he could have a relationship with Uhura even though Vulcan males only mate once every seven years. I was impressed about how patient he was with people that made even me uncomfortable.
Mr. Shatner is larger than life on stage. My favorite part of his presentation was when called Mr Nimoy a whore/prostitute for jumping at the chance to do the new movie and not doing Generations with Shatner. Really, the term whore was used four time and prostitute twice. Nimoy just shuck his head.It was fantastic.
The best part of the convention was Sunday afternoon. I was in the Men's room, when Mr Nimoy walked in and used the urinal two down from me. I almost told him how much I enjoyed his work, but not even Spock was temptation enough for me to the break the unwritten "no talking at urinal" rule. Plus there is a time and place for everything.
Kevin Sorbo from "Hercules the Legendary Journey" was there and a little grumpy. There was also a huge number of people who played lesser roles.
I bought Kat a "Tribble" as a gift.
She claimed to like it but I have my doubts.
I also think I got hit on by a prostitute. That is the last time I walk the strip with a Star Trek T shirt on.