Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Today the office has a new sound, that of people cleaning out their desks. It is a depressing sound especially with unemployment on the increase. Not as depressing as seeing their face as they learn they now have a entirely new set of problems to worry about. I think the worst part is the feeling of relief that "at least it wasn't me" the rest of us have. One can't but help to feel a little guilt at such thoughts, but I guess without them we wouldn't quite be human.

If the sun has set on the "Kingdom of Cute" as we call it, then more of us should expect to joining them.

Nothing lasts forever. Which is for the best really otherwise we might all still be wear those ridicules 16th century collars and believe in witches.

As an FYI Mormon Stories is back. I added to my list of links for anyone interested.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Don't say the L Word

The L word is Layoffs. My company just announced they will be having them. Of course this did not come as a surprise to me as I forecast sales. What I was not quit prepared for was the shockingly drastic decline in morale and the increase in non-company related Internet searches. One these searches has lead us to The Church of the FSM.

I used to be an extremely religious person. The kind people don't really like unless they too, are extremely religious and of the same religion. As luck would have it serving a mission for my particular faith seems to have cured me of my over enthusiasm. Which was not a result I was expecting. Of course my education of the purest of the sciences had its influence.

Anyways I digress. I have one beef with Pastafarianism. Which is if the Almighty was a form of pasta he would be Alfredo or possible Pesto, but not common spaghetti. That is just silly. However the Church of the Flying SpaghettiMonster has lead me to this web site,

By the way if anyone out there needs a very attractive mathematician, please let me know.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Guess Who's Birthday????

Otto Von Bismarck, chancellor of Germany.

Nobody really gives a damn. I strongly suspect this due to the fact that he is so ugly when he sits in the sand cats try to bury him.